This study evaluates the capabilities of two new ion force fields (Tanaka [Yagasaki et al. JCTC 2020] and Madrid-2019 [Zerón et al. JCP 2019]) in conjunction with the TIP4P/2005 model for water in reproducing the NaCl–water phase diagram using molecular dynamics direct coexistence simulations. The performance of those force-fields is critically compared with the phase diagram recently reported for the Joung Cheatham-TIP4P/2005 force-field [Bianco et al. JCP 2022]. Excellent agreement between the three force-fields and experiments is found for the ice-solution line due to the dominance of the water model in the location of this line. For the NaCl-solution line, the Tanaka and the Madrid-2019 models accurately predict solubility at ambient temperature, but they underestimate somewhat the experimental line as temperature increases. The JC model underestimates NaCl solubility both at ambient and at high temperatures. All models underestimate the stability of the NaCl·2H 2 O solid, which remains metastable with respect to NaCl. Equilibration of the NaCl·2H 2 O-solution system is challenging at low temperatures due to the slow diffusion of concentrated NaCl solutions. The phase diagrams obtained serve as a foundation for studying crystal nucleation, and solid-solution interfaces, and provide very valuable information for the development of imporved NaCl–H 2 O force-fields.