Large angle scattering of elementary porticles is assumed to occur through the multiple scattering mechanism of composite particles. Here the quark model is taken and Regge poles are exchanged between quarks. Then, the double scattering of quarks leads to Regge-cut like energy dependence. The quark-quark scattering amplitude has the form of aRsα(t) and the quark-antiquark scattering amplitude has aRe-iπα(t)sα(t), except for pomeron exchange, under the assumption of exchange degeneracy of residues and trajectories of Regge poles exchange between quarks. The difference of phase between these two amplitudes and the multiple scattering mechanism result in the break and the dip-bump structure of differential cross sections for processes pp→pp, K+p→K+p, K+n →K0p, etc.,and pp→pp, π±p→π±p, π-p→π0n, K-p→K-p, etc., respectively. Since the dip-bump structure of differential cross sections is sensitively determined from the phase behavior of scattering amplitude is our model, the validity of this model is tested by measurements of sensitively phase-dependent quantities such as spin rotation parameters R and A for π±p elastic scattering and spin correlation parameters D, R, A, Axx, Ayy, Azz, Azx, etc., for pp elastic scattering. Here, these parameters are evaluated in our model and measurement of these parameters are proposesd. It is shown that these parameters have peculiar behavior in the range of momentum transfers where the dip or break occurs in differential cross sections. Finally, relations between the multiple scattering mechanism of composite particles and the origin of resonance formation in the direct channel are discussed briefly.
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