The digital literacy movement carried out by Siberkreasi is a work program of the Ministry of Communication and Information which has given birth to a formula for digital literacy in Indonesian society with 4 pillars of digital literacy, namely: digital skills, digital ethics, digital culture, digital security. The aim of this research is to see the results of the Kominfo Cybercreation Digital Literacy Movement in Stimulating Generation Z to Use Media Positively, especially in the Depok City area. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. Data collection was carried out by interviews and documentation. The research results show that since 2012 Depok City Communications and Information has carried out digital literacy with its first program "healthy internet". This digital literacy program is primarily targeted at generation Z or a group that is very vulnerable to being exposed to negative content and bad internet influences such as cyber-bullying, pornography, online addiction, violence, and even kidnapping via social media (cyber-stalking). This digital literacy program is still running today and collaborates with several other stakeholders with the target of literacy generation Z in Depok City so that they become individuals who have the awareness of creating a safe and comfortable digital space on social media and the internet.
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