Purpose. The past and present interpretation of any ratio of sugar to protein in the diet of cows of different productivity levels is unfounded. The period of sugar fermentation in the first hour after consumption of feed by cows is not subject to discussion, and in the next 6-7 hours before re-distribution of feed starch and pectins are fermented, and then hemicellulose, cellulose (crude fiber). That is, the necessary criterion for combining all fractions of carbohydrates. Methods. The substantiation of the criterion of ratio of sugars with starch and structural carbohydrates to crude protein is based on the ratio of milk protein energy to lactose energy, which is 1 to 1.25 in milk of cows with daily milk yield of 40 l and fermentation period of sugars, starch and structural carbohydrates in rumen. Because the cow rumen is an open system of microbial protein synthesis, the ratio of 1 to 1.25 is intermittent and variable. When fermenting sugar, starch and structural carbohydrates in the rumen, energy losses are known to be 15 % and then the ratio will be 1 to 1.4. The use of ATP similar to the use of energy is within 80 % and the ratio will change from 1 to 1.6. Results. Digestibility of dry corn starch in the rumen is 50 % and other cereals 77-80 %, then we have a total digestibility of 70 %, which will increase by 30 % the need for starch or it will be 6.8 kg. In this analysis of the energy balance, the ratio of crude protein to sugar, starch and part of the structural carbohydrates will be 1 to 1.7, and in natural terms (kg) 1 to 2.2. Free sugars degraded in the rumen for 30 minutes, the remaining time starch and structural carbohydrates at 3-time distribution of animal feed. Conclusions. In the energy balance, the ratio of sugars to starch and structural carbohydrates should be 10 % for sugar, 80 % starch and 10 % structural carbohydrates. For cows with a productivity of 40 liters of daily milk yield in the diet should be 1.5 kg of molasses (0.65 kg of sugar) and 6.8 kg of digestible in the rumen starch of grain components and 10 % of energy during fermentation of structural carbohydrates.