The behavior of biomolecules in crowded environments remains largely unknown due to the accuracy of simulation models and the limited experimental data for comparison. Here we chose a small crowder of tetraethylene glycol (PEG-4) to investigate the self-crowding of PEG-4 solutions and molecular crowding effects on the structure and diffusion of lysozyme at varied concentrations from dilute water to pure PEG-4 liquid. Two Amber-like force fields of Amber14SB and a99SB-disp were examined with TIP3P (fast diffusivity and low viscosity) and a99SB-disp (slow diffusivity and high viscosity) water models, respectively. Compared to the Amber14SB protein simulations, the a99SB-disp model yields more coordinated water and less PEG-4 molecules, less intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HBs), more protein–water HBs, and less protein–PEG HBs as well as stronger interactions and more hydrophilic and less hydrophobic contacts with solvent molecules. The a99SB-disp model offers comparable protein–solvent interactions in concentrated PEG-4 solutions to that in pure water. The PEG-4 crowding leads to a slow-down in the diffusivity of water, PEG-4, and protein, and the decline in the diffusion from atomistic simulations is close to or faster than the hard sphere model that neglects attractive interactions. Despite these differences, the overall structure of lysozyme appears to be maintained well at different PEG-4 concentrations for both force fields, except a slightly large deviation at 370 K at low concentrations with the a99SB-disp model. This is mainly attributed to the strong intramolecular interactions of the protein in the Amber14SB force field and to the large viscosity of the a99SB-disp water model. The results indicate that the protein force fields and the viscosity of crowder solutions affect the simulation of biomolecules under crowding conditions.
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