The threshold condition for thermoacoustic instability in an annular prime-mover is derived. The region of spatially inhomogeneous temperature distribution (due to the presence of a stack and hot and cold heat exchangers) is assumed to be acoustically thin. The interaction of acoustic waves with the stack is assumed to be quasiadiabatic. Theoretical approach (based on the transformation of differential wave equation into Volterra integral equation, which is solved by iterative procedure) is valid for arbitrary spatial temperature distribution. Nevertheless, it was found that the threshold for the excitation of a traveling acoustic wave does not depend on the details of temperature spatial distribution but just on the ratio of the temperatures of hot and cold heat exchangers. Moreover, the critical temperature ratio does not depend on the thickness of the stack if the acoustic losses inside the heated region are negligible in comparison with acoustic losses in the rest part of the annular system. In this important limiting case critical temperature ratio diminishes when the dimensions of the system are scaled up. [Work supported by DGA.]
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