The deficiency or excess of zinc (Zn) cause negative effect on plant metabolism and development. Therefore, plants have established a tightly controlled system, including protein transporters to balance the uptake and utilization of metal ions. In this study, the relative expression of HvIRT1 gene, encoding the transmembrane protein IRT1 was analyzed in shoots and roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare ‘Nur’) under zinc deficiency at optimal (22 °C) or low (4 °C) temperatures. The Zn deficiency (0 μmol) caused an increase in HvIRT1 gene expression under both optimal temperature condition and cold. Although, the difference in mRNA content of HvIRT1 gene in roots of barley under optimal and low temperature was not observe. However, the HvIRT1 expression in leaves was higher at optimal temperature compare with cold condition. Moreover, long-term (7 days) of low temperature influence along with zinc deficiency leads to a significant decrease in the amount of HvIRT1transcripts in leaves, that corresponds to a decrease of photosynthesis rate and biomass accumulation. Overall, these findings suggest that HvIRT1 gene play an important role in plant’s response to zinc deficiency under optimal temperatures condition as well as at cold.
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