Sirs: In patients with human immune deficiency syndrome, cerebral toxoplasmosis is one of the typical opportunistic diseases. Compared to cardiac and pulmonary involvement, cerebral manifestation is more common and mediated by the neurotoxic potential of the HIV [1]. Usually, toxoplasmosis can be diagnosed by detecting organism-specific antibodies (IgG, IgM) in blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, in immunodeficient patients, in particular those with HIV infection in a progressive stage (CD4+-cell count less than 200), the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis may cause difficulties if only relying on antibody detection. Other diagnostic options are either less specific, less available or more invasive [2, 3]. In the present report, we detected Toxoplasma gondii (Tg) tachyzoites in lumbar CSF in a patient with cerebral toxoplasmosis. To the best of our knowledge, cytologic detection of Tg tachyzoites in lumbar CSF is described for the first time. A 50-year-old female with a 9 year history of untreated HIV infection (CD4+-T-lymphocytes 210/μL corresponding to stage C2 of the CDC 1993 criteria, and HIV viral load more than 100,000 HIVRNA-Genome/ml) with rapid progressive symptoms of encephalitis was admitted to our hospital. The patient was somnolent and disoriented, and she showed signs of basal meningitis consisting of paresis of right-sided cranial nerves VI and VII. In the MRI scan multiple and disseminated T2-lesions were found in supraand infratentorial regions, in particular in the brainstem and cerebellum, where lesions showed ring-shaped contrast enhancement. Meningeal enhancement was described as well. Apart from the MRI results suggestive of opportunistic infection, CSF findings showed a pleocytosis (66 leukocytes/μl), elevation of total protein (1474 mg/dl) and accordingly a moderate dysfunction of the blood-CSF barrier (CSF/serum quotient of albumin 24.0 10–3, ref.-range < 8.0 10–3). The differential cell count of the CSF revealed 87 % lymphocytes, 3 % neutrophils, 1 % eosinophils, 5 % plasma cells and the remaining 4 % were apoptotic cells. There was no evidence for infection with Cryptococcus. Serum anti-Tg IgM-antibodies were within the normal range (normal range < 20 U/L) and IgG-antibodies were slightly increased (113 U/L, normal range < 90 U/L). In CSF antibodies against Tg were not elevated. However, interpretation of these results were difficult given the immune deficient condition of the patient. CSF cytology, however, revealed the presence of mostly intracellular organisms (small bow-shaped organisms with slightly eccentrically placed nuclei) morphologically suggestive as Tg tachyzoites and bradyzoites (Fig. 1) in accordance with the previous literature [4]. These findings were confirmed by post-mortem examination of brain tissue. The autopsy revealed the diagnosis of disseminated focal necrotizing Tg encephalitis involving the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. In addition to inflammatory changes typical for HIV encephalitis, Tg organisms were described in multiple brain regions confirmed by immunohistochemical staining. Leptomeningeal infiltration was also found in several regions primarily in parasagittal and right-sided prefrontal regions. Overall the neuropathology findings were in accordance with the MRI findings. The patient refused antiviral as well as anti-toxoplasma treatment, only support measures were provided owing to the patient’s request. She died two weeks after admission to the hospital and 9 years after she was diagnosed with HIV. A possible way to detect Tg organisms is a direct cytologic examination of CSF. However, this procedure is associated with a low sensitivity as described in a large retrospective study where tachyzoites were seen in only 2 out of 6,090 examined CSF’s both of which were ventricular specimens [4]. So far, only five cases exist in the literature where a direct identification of Tg organisms was possible by cytologic examination of CSF [4–8]. However, in all reported cases Tg organisms were detected only in ventricular CSF but not in lumbar CSF. Therefore, it was discussed that lack of detection of tachyzoites in lumbar CSF was due to obstructive hydrocephalus inhibiting the passover of tachyzoites from the ventricles to the subarachnoid space [3]. In our patient a hydroLETTER TO THE EDITORS
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