Anumber of international and regional organizations, bodies, and forums are working on cybersecurity issues.1 Given that international cooperation is to some extent required to deal effectively with the cross-border nature of cyber-related threats, this article examines efforts in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region to counter these challenges. To date, national and regional efforts to adopt comprehensive cybersecurity strategies have been slow and fragmented. Similarly, the efforts of the ten ASEAN member states to adopt both national and comprehensive regional frameworks for cybersecurity have so far been piecemeal.2 Because governments and institutions will be required to foresee emerging trends and adapt quickly to new realities in order to preempt cyber incidents, this article envisages greater cooperation on cybersecurity among ASEAN and its members through the adoption of new structures and novel ways of thinking that complement national initiatives and international efforts. Further, regional cooperation efforts could encourage both collective security and the greater development of national cybersecurity measures.Cyber-related threats are creating increasingly serious risks for the global economy as well as for national and international security. The European Union (EU), for example, considers cyber threats as having the potential to reduce stability and competitiveness,3 while the U.S. intelligence community's worldwide threat assessment for 2013 ranks cyber threats first, ahead of terrorism, transnational organized crime, and the proliferation of WMDs.4 This marks the first time since September 11 that international terrorism does not rank first in the U.S. intelligence community's assessment of global threats to national security.5This article finds that the current lack of cohesiveness in ASEAN's approach to cybersecurity detracts from regional security and undermines the proper functioning of a single market. Given the body's goal to establish the ASEAN Community by 2015, cohesive efforts to comprehensively tackle cybersecurity issues are crucial and in the shared interests of ASEAN members. The article concludes that the digital divide between developed and developing countries need not delay regional cooperation; rather, it is essential for ASEAN to enhance its overall resilience to serious cyber-related threats and collectively tackle common global cybersecurity challenges. Doing so would complement ASEAN's ambitions to create a successful single market and production base, buttress connectivity, and strategically enhance the body's position in the evolving regional architecture. In addition, it would support both wider regional and international cooperation on cybersecurity.Although the ultimate objective of a comprehensive framework is a more resilient regional architecture for cybersecurity, given the limitations of ASEAN, the measures that are more likely to be attained in the shorter term are those that complement the aims of the ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.This article is organized as follows:* pp. 135-37 examine why ASEAN is significant in terms of global cybersecurity issues.* pp. 137-40 examine the increasing probability of cyber threats in Asia.* pp. 141-45 address the digital divide both between ASEAN members and between ASEAN and other states.* pp. 146-49 outline current official ASEAN documents and measures on cybersecurity.* pp. 149-55 offer several policy options for ASEAN to create a more robust regional cybersecurity regime.* The appendices provide non-exhaustive lists of cyber incidents in the ASEAN region since 2012, official ASEAN documents related to cybersecurity, and ASEAN national computer emergency response teams (CERT).WHY ASEAN IS IMPORTANT FOR GLOBAL CYBERSECURITYASEAN is a particularly significant region in terms of international cybersecurity issues. …
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