Excited states of 92, 94, 96, 98Mo and 94, 96, 98, 100,102Ru were studied by in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. The decays of levels populated by the (α, 2n) reaction on even isotopes of Zr and Mo were studied by measurement of the γ-singles spectrum, beam-γ-delay, γγ- coincidences (prompt and delayed), and γ-ray angular distributions. The most notable new feature of these experiments is the use, in-beam, of a sensitive coincidence technique, employing two Ge(Li) spectrometers in conjunction with a two-parameter incremental data-acquisition system, to establish the placement of weak transitions. The level schemes are compared with previous studies of these nuclei. A considerable number of new levels, predominantly of high spin (I > 6), were observed. The observed levels are analyzed in terms of systematics and, where available, detailed shell-model calculations. A general description in terms of excitations in the low-lying orbitals outside a 38-proton+50-neutron core appears adequate to explain much of the data, particularly in those nuclei near the 50-neutron shell. The data are also compared to recent macroscopic calculations of quasi-rotational bands, the VMI model. The observed spin distribution in the residual nuclei indicates a net loss of angular momentum in the emission of neutrons and/or unresolved γ-rays. Calculations based on a microscopic model for neutron evaporation suggest that, with a moment-of-inertia parameter ∮ = 0.5 ∮ rigid, the angular-momentum loss can be accounted for entirely by the neutrons, whereas for ∮ > 0.5 /t0 rigid, some of it must reside in the unplaced γ-ray transitions.