
The properties of excited states in 22 48Ti 26 populated by means of the 45Sc(α, pγ) 48Ti reaction were investigated. The Doppler-shift attenuation method was employed to determine the mean lives of 16 levels up to an excitation energy of 4073 keV. Proton-γ coincidence techniques were used to record simultaneously the Doppler-shifted de-excitation γ-rays emitted at 26 and 154 degrees to the incident beam direction. A comprehensive level and decay scheme is proposed. Detailed shell-model calculations have been made of M1 and E2 transition matrix elements for depopulation of states whose lifetimes have been measured. Salient nuclear structure aspects of this “self-cross-conjugate” nucleus are examined in light of critical comparisons of measured and calculated Ml and E2 reduced transition probabilities.

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