This program book is published in line with the Twelfth International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (12th ISIEM). The International Seminars on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM) is an annual seminar to provide an effective forum for invited speakers, academicians, engineers, professionals and practitioners coming from universities, research institutions, government agencies and industries to share or exchange their ideas, experiences and recent progresses in industrial engineering and management and other related fields in dealing with the dynamics and challenges of the 21st century.This 12th ISIEM is hosted by seven universities, namely Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Universitas Trisakti, Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Universitas Tarumanagara, Universitas Pasundan, and Universitas Pancasila. The seminar main theme for this year is Industrial Intelligence System on Engineering, Information and Management. Under this theme, we will explore sustainable innovation in industrial technology, information, and management of global issues. The articles cover a broad spectrum of topics in Industrial Engineering and Management, namely Quality Engineering & Management (QM), Decision Analysis & Information System (DAIS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Production System (PS), Industrial System (IS), Operation Research (OR), and Ergonomics & Product Design (ER&PD).The articles in this issue provide an overview of critical research issues reflecting on past achievements and future challenges. Those papers were selected from 149 abstracts, and we will send these papers to IOP for publication as an Open Access Proceeding. This is the third time we have had MOU with IOP in United Kingdom to publishing the papers that is indexed by Scopus. This year’s seminar become special as more delegates and papers come and received from various universities as well as countries. We are hosting more than 110 delegates both local and from abroad.
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