The statements of developers and manufacturers of catalytic heat generators are analyzed regarding signifi cant advantages of these devices over boilers based on traditional fuel combustion methods: a signifi cant increase in the effi ciency of catalytic boilers, an increased ecological safety of these boilers due to a decrease in the temperature of combustion processes and reduced formation of thermal nitrogen oxides in combustion products, the possibility of signifi cant reduction in the dimensions of catalytic boilers owing to an increase in heat density of heating surfaces in the furnace, as well as increased reliability of catalytic heat generators. The aforesaid statements are demonstrated to be unsubstantiated and inconsistent with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, physics and chemistry. The results of the experimental studies carried out by the authors of the catalytic boilers are presented. The claims of the creators of catalytic boilers to increase the effi ciency of heat generators due to an increase in the fuel calorifi c value at multi-stage catalytic combustion of fuel are considered. It is theoretically proved that it is impossible to increase the fuel calorifi c value at catalytic combustion, as this assumption of the developers of catalytic boilers contradicts Hess's law, the law of constancy of the sums of the calorifi c values, as well as the laws of Lavoisier and Laplace. The claim of V.N. Parmon on the possibility of increasing the effi ciency of a catalytic heat generator with a factor of 3 – 4, compared to conventional boilers, is shown to be untenable. It is noted that, based on the thermal balance of the boiler, the latter’s thermal effi ciency is not determined by the heat generation method, but, fi rst and foremost, by the extent of cooldown of fuel combustion products. An insuperable theoretical contradiction is shown of the claims of the creators of catalytic boilers on the possibility of low-temperature catalytic combustion of fuel concurrently with an increase in the heat density of the furnace and reduction in the dimensions of the boiler. It is noted that, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the intensity of radiant heat exchange in the furnace is proportional to the absolute temperature of the combustion products to the fourth power. Therefore, in order to provide the necessary intensity of heat exchange in catalytic heat generators, the temperature of the combustion products must be at least as high as that in traditional boilers, and in boilers with an increased heat density of the furnace, even higher. Hence, it follows that the possibility of increasing the ecological safety of these boilers by reducing generation of thermal nitrogen oxides, as declared by the authors and manufacturers of catalytic boilers, is neither theoretically substantiated, nor practically supported. The causes of low reliability of catalytic heat generators are considered. An example is cited of operation of catalytic heat generators in the city of Ulyanovsk, which showed their extremely low reliability. The conclusion is made that it is inexpedient to apply the existing designs of catalytic boilers in domestic heat power engineering.
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