In this paper, we propose a palm vein recognition system that combines two approaches using a decision-level fusion strategy. The first approach employs Binarized Statistical Image Features (BSIF) descriptor method on five overlapping sub-regions of palm vein images and the second approach uses a convolutional neural networks (CNN) model on each palm vein image. In the first approach, texture-based features of five overlapping sub-regions on the palm vein image are extracted using the powerful BSIF method and the scores obtained by the matching step of the system are fused with score-level fusion strategy. In the second approach, a CNN model is used to train the system using the whole image. Afterwards, the decisions of two approaches are gathered separately and a final decision is obtained by fusing the two decisions. Experimental results on CASIA, FYO, PUT, VERA and Tongji Contactless Palm Vein databases showed that the proposed method compared favorably against other similar systems.
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