In this article, we first introduce the notion of a continuous cover of a manifold parametrised by any compact manifold T endowed with a mass 1 volume-form. We prove that any such cover admits a partition of unity where the sum is replaced by integrals. When the cover is smooth, we then generalize Polterovich’s notion of Poisson non-commutativity to such a context in order to get a more natural definition of non-commutativity and to be in a position where one can compare various invariants of symplectic manifolds. The main theorem of this article states that the discrete Poisson bracket invariant of Polterovich is equal to our smooth version of it, as it does not depend on the nature or dimension of the parameter space T. As a consequence, the Poisson-bracket invariant of a symplectic manifold can be computed either in the discrete category or in the smooth one, that is to say either by summing or integrating. The latter is in general more amenable to calculations, so that, in some sense, our result is in the spirit of the De Rham theorem equating simplicial cohomology and De Rham cohomology. We finally study the Poisson-bracket invariant associated to coverings by symplectic balls of capacity c, exhibiting some of its properties as the capacity c varies. We end with some positive and negative speculations on the relation between uncertainty phase transitions and critical values of the Poisson bracket, which was the motivation behind this article.
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