An area per molecule dependence on components concentration for DPPC-Cholesterol bilayers is calculated analytically using a microscopic model in a biologically relevant concentration range. DPPC lipid is modeled as flexible string with finite bending rigidity [1,2]. Cholesterol molecule is modeled as rigid rod of finite thickness [3]. Surface tension at hydrophobic interface is linear combination of “partial tensions” of bilayer components. The model's three important parameters are: surface tension at hydrophobic interface for pure DPPC membrane, bending rigidity of DPPC lipid, extrapolated surface tension at hydrophobic interface for cholesterol membrane. These parameters are chosen by nearly perfect fitting agreement of our theoretical curve with molecular dynamics simulations data [4] for these two-component bilayers. The molecular chains order parameter dependence on coordinate for 40% cholesterol - 60% DPPC membrane, measurable in NMR experiments, is calculated analytically and compared with molecular dynamics simulation data [5]. The order parameter calculation allows for DPPC tilt angle. The model parameters found by fitting the MD data are used further to calculate lateral pressure distribution and coefficient of thermal area expansion. The microscopic model allows one to study other thermodynamic coefficients and diffusion phenomena in multi-component bilayers. 1.Mukhin S.I., S. Baoukina, Analytical derivation of thermodynamic characteristics of lipid bilayer from a flexible string model. Phys. Rev. E. 71: 061918 (2005). 2.Mukhin S.I., B.B. Kheyfets, Analytical approach to thermodynamics of bolalipid membranes. Phys. Rev. E. 82: 051901 (2010). 3.Mukhin S.I., B.B. Kheyfets, Pore formation phase diagrams for lipid membranes. JETP Lett. 99: 358-362 (2014). 4. Edholm O., J.F. Nagle. Areas of Molecules in Membranes Consisting of Mixtures. Biophys. J. 89: 1827-1832 (2005). 5. Hofsass C., Lindahl E., and Edholm O. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phospholipid Bilayers with Cholesterol. Biophys. J. 84: 2192-2206 (2003).