Objective: To obtain the mesiodistal and bucolingual diameters of upper and lower permanent central and lateral incisors, cuspids, first and second premolars and first molars by the analysis of 66 plaster casts (27 women and 39 men) belonging to a group of mestizo Caucasoid in the city of Cali, in order to determine the mean diameters of each teeth class, sexual dimorphism, bilateral symmetry and biological distances of the studied sample.
 Materials and methods: quantitative crosssectional descriptive study to characterize the dental dimensions through Moorrees method for meso-distal diameter and Kieser method for the buco-lingual diameter systems, using a gauge of thin tips with 0.1 mm of precision. The Student T test and Mann-Whitney test were used to determine sexual dimorphism and bilateral symmetry, respectively (p <0.05).
 Results: According to the mesiodistal and bucolingual diameters, the permanent teeth of the studied population not display sexual dimorphism and they have bilateral symmetry. At the same time, a distance matrix with the respective dendrogram was built from the averages of these measurements, resulting in a grouping of the studied sample with microdontes global populations.
 Conclusions: The studied sample has no sexual dimorphism, presents bilateral symmetry and is considered as a microdonte population.
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