Maternal and cord plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHAS) and cortisol were measured before cesarean section, during syntocinon induced labor, and at delivery after spontaneous or induced labor. The mean maternal plasma DHAS was significantly lower in cesarean sections than in spontaneous labor, and raised significantly by induction of labor. The cord plasma DHAS was not significantly different in cesarean, spontaneous or induced labor. In cesarean section, the cord plasma DHAS was higher than maternal DHAS, but they were not different during spontaneous or induced labor. Maternal plasma cortisol increases significantly during spontaneous or induced labor. During prelabor, the increase in maternal DHAS without a change in plasma cortisol suggest, at least, a change in the metabolism of maternal DHAS. During labor, the increase in plasma concentrations of both compounds indicates a change in the metabolism of cortisol and DHAS.