Retinoids are essential for fetal and lung development. Beta-carotene(BC) is the main dietary retinoid source and beta-carotene-15,15'-oxygenase-1 and 2 (Bcmo1,2) is the primary enzyme generating retinoid from BC in adult mammalian tissues. Placenta has a major role in the retinol homeostasis in fetal life: Since there is no fetal retinol synthesis, maternal retinol has to cross the placenta. It has been recently shown that BC can be converted to retinol by Bcmo1,2 in placenta for retinol transfer and moreover, BC can cross the placenta intact. The placental Bcmo1,2 expression is tightly controlled by placental retinol level. In severe retinol deficiency it has been shown that placental Bcmo1,2 expression are increased for generating retinol from dietary maternal BC even when the main retinol transfer is blocked. In recent years, low pulmonary retinol levels and disrupted retinoid signaling pathway have been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypoplasia and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) in the nitrofen model of CDH. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the main retinol transfer in the placenta is blocked in the nitrofen model of CDH causing increased placental and decreased serum retinol level. The aim of our study was to determine maternal and fetal β-carotene levels and to investigate the hypothesis that placental expression of BCMO1 and BCMO2 is altered in nitrofen-exposed rat fetuses with CDH. Pregnant rats were exposed to either olive oil or nitrofen on day 9 of gestation (D9). Maternal and fetal serum, placenta, liver and left lungs were harvested on D21 and divided into two groups: control (n = 8) and nitrofen with CDH (n = 8). Immunochistochemistry was performed to evaluate trophoblasts by cytokeratin expression and placental Bcmo1,2 expression. Expression levels of Bcmo1,2 genes in fetal lungs and liver were determined using RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. BC level was measured using HPLC. Markedly increased decidual Bcmo1,2 immunoreactivity was observed in CDH group compared to controls. There was no difference neither in the trophoblastic Bcmo1,2 immunoreactivity nor in the pulmonary and liver Bcmo1,2 expression compared to controls. There was no significant difference in maternal serum BC levels between control and CDH mothers (2.14 ± 0.55 vs 2.56 ± 1.6 μM/g, p = 0.8). BC was not detectable neither in the fetal serum nor liver or lungs. Our data show that nitrofen increases maternal but not fetal Bcmo1,2 expression in the placenta in nitrofen-induced CDH group. The markedly increased decidual Bcmo1,2 expression suggests that nitrofen may trigger local, decidual retinol synthesis in the nitrofen model of CDH.
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