A nonlinear mathematical model was developed and experimentally validated toinvestigate the effects of changes in optical properties during interstitiallaser photocoagulation (ILP). The effects of dynamic optical properties werecalculated using the Arrhenius damage model, resulting in a nonlinearoptothermal response. This response was experimentally validated by measuringthe temperature rise in albumen and polyacrylamide phantoms. A theoreticalstudy of ILP in liver was conducted constraining the peak temperatures belowthe vaporization threshold. The temperature predictions varied considerablybetween the static and dynamic scenarios, and were confirmed experimentally inphantoms. This suggests that the Arrhenius model can be used to predictdynamic changes in optical and thermal fields. An increase in temperature risedue to a decrease in light penetration within the coagulated region during ILPof the liver was also demonstrated. The kinetics of ILP are complex andnonlinear due to coagulation, which changes the tissue properties duringtreatment. These complex effects can be adequately modelled using an Arrheniusdamage formulation.
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