This study investigates the role of geometric effects and detonation criticality on the behavior of a detonation transition through an area expansion of finite length. Three reinitiation behaviors that result in an amplified pressure impulse were observed and are referred to as steady, spike, and endwall amplification. Steady amplification was characterized by an amplification event with a peak pressure impulse 2 times that of the inlet detonation, followed by a near-linear attenuation toward Chapman–Jouguet conditions. Spike amplification displayed a larger peak pressure amplification that was 3 to 5 times greater than the inlet detonation, followed by a rapid and nonlinear attenuation. Endwall behavior represents a Craven–Grieg deflagration to detonation transition scenario. These behaviors are shown to be factors of area expansion ratio and the degree to which the incoming detonation is subcrtical. A decoupling parameter, Ψd, was devised to combine these effects into a single correlation metric. The finite length of the expansion chamber also plays a role in the reinitiation behavior as observed by the endwall reinitiation behavior. A critical chamber length parameter was devised to explain this behavior and then theorized to have a relationship to Ψd with this being explored theoretically and with the limited data set available.