Despite a better understanding in its prognosis and pathogenesis, hepatic encephalopathy (HE) remains one of the major complications of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) with a prevalence ranging from 35 to 50%. Its epidemiology differs according to the indication for TIPS (salvage/rescue TIPS, preemptive (pTIPS) or elective TIPS). In salvage/rescue TIPS, the prognosis is linked to that of bleeding, and HE should not be a contraindication to TIPS, especially as bleeding is a common precipitating factor of HE. In pTIPS, i.e. TIPS performed within the 72h after stabilization of acute variceal bleeding in high-risk patients, the risk rebleeding and HE is reduced, when compared to endoscopic and drugs treatment. As a consequence, the Baveno VII recommendations state that HE at admission should not be considered as a contraindication to pTIPS placement. In elective situations, such as refractory (intractable ascites (intolerance to diuretics) or resistant ascites (i.e. despite optimal diuretic treatment (spironolactone 400mg/d and Furosemide 160mg/d combined with low-salt treatment (< 5.2g/day) or recurrent ascites (the need for at least 3 paracenteses per year) and secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding, it is recommended to systematically look for risk factors for HE, and chronic or refractory HE remain not recommended to TIPS in most centers. Chronic HE involves persistent neurological symptoms with fluctuating acute episodes. Recurrent HE refers to repeated episodes occurring within 6 months, while refractory HE is resistant to standard treatments, often requiring more aggressive management (Vilstrup et al. 2014). A careful selection of patients is mandatory before elective TIPS decision. Risk factors must be identified and corrected if possible before any TIPS decision is made. Management of HE after TIPS is based on identification of precipitating factors, curative treatment with lactulose as first-line therapy and rifaximin as second-line therapy, and nutritional management. In elective TIPS, prophylactic administration of rifaximin is recommended in order to decrease the risk of further HE development in selected patients (not in everyone, at least according to Baveno VII). Liver transplantation (LT) should be discussed with a multidisciplinary team as an alternative option to TIPS in case of high-risk of post-TIPS HE, and in case of refractory HE after TIPS.
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