In hyperspectral anomaly detection, the dual-window-based detector is a widely used technique that employs two windows to capture nonstationary statistics of anomalies and back- ground. However, its detection performance is usually sensitive to the choice of window sizes and suffers from inappropriate window settings. In this work, a decision-fusion approach is pro- posed to alleviate such sensitivity by merging the results from multiple detectors with different window sizes. The proposed approach is compared with the classic Reed-Xiaoli (RX) algorithm as well as kernel RX (KRX) using two real hyperspectral data. Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms the existing detectors, such as RX, KRX, and multiple-window-based RX. The overall detection framework is suitable for parallel computing, which can greatly reduce computational time when processing large-scale remote sensing image data. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or repro- duction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. (DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.9.097297) tional probability density functions under the two hypotheses (without and with anomaly) are assumed to be Gaussian. The solution turns out to be an adaptive Mahalanobis distance between the pixel under test and the local background. It is preferred to use local background to capture nonstationary statistics, and its advantage of using a global background covariance matrix has been demonstrated in the literature. 11-13 The RX detector has become the benchmark of anomaly detection algorithms in HSI. Obviously, the key to success is an appropriate estimate of a local background covariance matrix for effective background suppression. An adaptive RX detector employs a dual-window strategy: the inner window is slightly larger than the pixel size, the outer window is even larger than the inner one, and only the samples in the outer region (i.e., between the frames of inner and outer windows) are used to estimate the background covariance matrix to avoid the use of the potential anomalous pixels. Intuitively, the number of pixels in the outer region (related to the sizes of inner and outer windows) should be more than the number of bands so that the resulting covariance matrix can be full-rank for inverse matrix operation. However, even when the covariance matrix is ill-rank, its inversion can still be computed by several strategies, such
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