Barren gangue waste areas are one of the most sever e problems of all the environment protection issues we are confronting. This is the reason why ecologic reconstruction and reinstating the natural initial state of things represent a permanent preoccupation of fo restry specialists. These are, in essence, areas w here different materials have been deposited (industrial and household waste, mine barren gangue, grind res ts, debris etc). These areas are quite large and are normally grouped around large industrial works or (depth or surface) mines. Due to mine exploitation (kaolin, bentonite , gravel etc), in Cluj county there have always bee n many such areas. Some of them managed to be successfull y reafforested (Aghire � , Turda, Morlaca, Ciucea, etc.), others are currently being rehabilitated. Among th ese, the kaolin and bentonite barren gangue areas a dministered by Turda Forestry Area within Cluj- Napoca Forestry Board. The respective terrains are not only a sou rce of pollution, but they are also economically unusable. The ecologic reconstruction can be best done (bot h technically and economically) through afforestation , using saplings of high quality, of species that h ave low ecologic requirements, given the present conditions . The quality of the edaphic substrate in which th e saplings are introduced is, however, of vital importance whe n aiming at achieving remarkable growth rates (in d iameter and height), as well as in achieving good adjustmen t of the saplings to the new conditions. MATERIAL, METHOD AND EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS The waste area where the determinations were made is formed of the barren gangue coming from the bentonite exploitation in Borzesti quarry and is situated next to the communal road between Petresti and Borzesti. The afforestation was carried out in spring 2005, using saplings of black pine ( Pinus nigra ) ( Pi.n ), in the (regeneration and afforestation) composition 10Pi.n , the total surface being 0,50 ha. The planting de vice was square having the dimensions 2x1m; 2.500 black pine saplings were used (5.000 per hectare). Considering the fact that in the barren gangue cont ent there is also fertile soil, the planting was carried out directly on the surface of the area , without additional soil. The saplings were planted in 60cm /80 cm large square areas. To be n oted that the surface is mostly plane, due to the levelling of the barren gangue. The sapling s used were of different dimensions; the basic criterion in choosing them was a minimum diameter of 5 mm, according to current specifications. The saplings came from the Mihai V iteazu Nurseries in the neighbourhood of Turda, about 15 Km from the area to be afforested. The fact that the nursery lies closeby means that there are greater chances of success due to the fact that the saplings were grown in similar climatic conditions. The only thing on whi ch their adapting to the new life depends is, thus, the edaphic conditions offered by the waste a rea. The work was carried out manually in the spring of 2005, and the plantation building conditions were upheld. As aforementioned, the sap lings were planted directly into the soil of the waste area. In order to check whether an addit ion of vegetal soil would have boosted the
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