Because of its small size, high frequency transformers are widely used to maximize energy transfer. However, the leakage inductance and distributed capacitance of high frequency transformer can not only cause resonance, but also lead to transient changes of voltage and current in high frequency, which can lead to voltage spike, so that the switch tube is damaged. For transformers with the same output power, high-frequency transformers are much smaller and have lower calorific value than low-frequency transformers. Therefore, at present, many consumer electronics and network product power adapters are switching power supplies, and the internal high-frequency transformer is the most important component of switching power supplies. The basic principle is to turn the input alternating current into DC first, and then turn it into high frequency through a transistor or FET, etc., through a high-frequency transformer to change voltage, and then rectify the output again, plus other control parts, and stabilize the output DC voltage. In this thesis, we choose a more rational and cost effective winding structure, choose a more appropriate core material based on the comparison of different core materials, research on the insulation and cooling properties of transformer so as to improve the insulation properties of the transformer, make it safer and more efficient. The study has important significance to decrease the power loss of high frequency transformer and decrease the size of high frequency transformer.
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