High-frequency link matrix rectifier (HFLMR) is advantageous in three-phase isolated ac–dc conversion due to its elimination of dc-link components. However, the input current distortion increases in an HFLMR when it operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). The modulation scheme forms the high-frequency link current shape, which directly affects the input current distortion. Space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) is a popular modulation method for the matrix-type converter for its flexibility of arranging switching vectors. In this article, a new switching scheme based on SVPWM is proposed for the HFLMR to improve the current quality in DCM without adding complexity to the control. In DCM, the resonance between diode capacitance and transformer leakage inductance becomes a source of converter harmonics and instability. The method of shorting the transformer secondary is implemented to eliminate the voltage and current ringing in the discontinuous period. A 600-W lab prototype HFLMR that converts 115Vrms, 400-Hz three-phase input voltage to 270-V dc output voltage is implemented for experimental verification of the proposed switching scheme and converter topology. With the proposed switching scheme, the input current distortion is effectively reduced. With the proposed topology, the high-frequency voltage and current ringing are eliminated.
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