Current reflectors (DCs) or current mirrors built on bipolar transistors are widely used in a variety of electronic circuits, such as: DC amplifiers, code-current converters, analog-to-digital converters, power supplies, and others. The feature of low-power bipolar transistors is the ability to function in linear mode at relatively low operating voltages on collector-emitter transitions and emitter bases about 0,7…0,8 V at currents 0,1…10 mA. A new approach to the construction of an aircraft with high and ultrahigh rhythms is proposed, consisting in the use of the n-p-n and p-n-p composite transistors and allows to compensate for the change of the base current of the transistor of the regulator, which arises as a result of various factors. The static characteristics of circuits of known aircraft are analyzed, their deficiencies are determined and ways of their elimination are considered. An analytical correlation is derived for determining the initial resistances of the proposed schemes of the Sun, in particular, such that the introduction of a positive feedback in the collector circuit of the transistor of the regulator is used. A computer simulation of static characteristics was performed to determine the adequacy of the mathematical models obtained by comparing the obtained results. In addition, the construction of the aircraft with high and ultrahigh-speed rms used to construct analog signal converters is considered. The schemes of known aircraft (Vidar and Wilsono) are considered and the shortcomings of such schemes are identified. The analytical co-relation for calculation of initial impedance is deduced. Also, expressions for the coefficients of current and voltage are given, and dependencies are presented that demonstrate the work of the proposed reflectors of current at different displacement currents. A schematic design of the above-mentioned aircraft with high and ultrahigh rms, constructed using the composition of integral transistors n-p-n and p-n-p conductivity, was carried out. The recommendations for the construction of the aircraft with high and ultrahigh rms are given, which makes it possible to use them in multichannel analog-to-digital converters. A comparative analysis of some variants of the implementation of the aircraft with high and ultrahigh rye is made.
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