ABSTRACT The Redesign of pyro train seems to be mandatory for next generation of European launchers, in order to be compliant with new requirements coming from: • European community: health regulations, REACH and RoHs requirements … • Agencies and customers: Cost reduction, Mass improvement, obsolescence risks reduction, robust design and versatility for any mission… • Prime contractors: Safety improvements for pyro supply chain and AIT teams, explosive trains monitoring, dual components … • Pyro Industries: «continuous» manufacturing to guarantee knowledge and competencies for the whole life of launcher manufacturing Maturation and developments done since 1970 concerning Optic, optronique and explosive systems highlighted great opportunities to merge these so matured technologies into opto-pyrotechnic system. But at this moment the energy ratio of such optic emitters was too low, to be applied into a launch vehicle. Since a decade great effort had been done by industries to provide more and more powerful laser emitters such as laser diodes for main data transmissions applications and strong needs rising from Industries, Aeronautics, Medicine, nuclear research The maturity of powerful and miniaturized optic components becoming COTS at the beginning of year 2000 accelerate their integration into new field such as aircraft data transmission applications. In addition the very good REX acquired through end users operations (civil and military fields), allow aircraft companies to spread this optic technology into more and more safety functions. The heritages coming from telecom and aircraft industries allow to set up and spread new type of portative monitoring tools to check any optical harness, detecting in a safe way any failure transmission and localize with a cm class accuracy any weak connection. The maturity level of optronique and the robustness demonstrated within a large range of applications give confidence to space engineers for analyzing its implementation into space systems, with a guarantee of long term technologies availability. The ability of optical fibre to transfer high amount of energy given by a very small laser diode, allow pyro designers to implement this technology into the first element of the pyro train: the initiator. This main evolution highlights several improvements on launcher pyro trains, increasing mainly their safety levels. The safety advantages given by Opto-pyro are addressing several fields such as: • Ground aspect during preparations and operations • Functional aspects • Industrial and Prime concerns AIRBUS Defence & Space through ASTRIUM-ST and Aerospatiale studies has been actively involved into Opto-pyro activities for a long time. The amount of Opto-pyro demonstration and justification has been accelerated since 2010 thanks to a special AIRBUS-DS R&T effort, focusing on TRL, IRL and MRL. Step by step, AIRBUS-DS manage to set up Opto-pyro train maturation from TRL4-IRL1, based on demonstrators and representative demonstrations of launcher configuration. These on going demonstrations will lead to a TRL6-IRL3 level in 2014. The higher safety level demonstrated by Opto-pyro train compared to the electro-pyro safety trains used on current space systems, allow implementing this new Opto-pyro technology on any new safety systems to be developed.
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