Three-dimensional (3D) warp interlock woven composites (3DWIWC) are in demand in various industries due to their excellent delamination resistance, damage tolerance and fracture toughness properties. The 3D warp interlock woven fabric architecture can be defined by numerous fabric parameters such as: the binding and stuffer warp yarns, the woven pattern, the presence of yarn groups, etc. …. The effect of the fabric architecture on the impact behaviour of 3DWIWC made with carbon yarns has not been fully investigated. The binding warp yarns with the weave pattern play the main role in the arrangement of yarns within the final composite. In order to highlight their main influence, the 3D woven composites had been differentiated according to the main fabric architectural parameters, which are the angle and depth of binding warp yarn, presence of stuffer warp yarn and weave pattern of binding warp yarn. Afterward, their low velocity impact properties and damage mechanisms were examined. Thanks to the precise combination of these internal parameters of the fabric architecture, the contact force and absorbed energy values of 3DWIWC could be increased almost %50 and %15, respectively. Moreover, their damage mechanisms could be significantly improved.
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