Abstract We propose a simple equation for the critical temperature (CT) of D-dimensional Ising models&#xD;(on squared or not squared lattices). When 2 < D < ∞, these models have no exact solution&#xD;and even the simpler problem of locating the CT analytically remains a formidable task. The&#xD;mean-field as well as the belief-propagation methods provide approximations that work only for&#xD;large D, remaining quite unsatisfactory for D ≤ 4. Our simple equation represents a sort of “finite-&#xD;dimensional” generalization of such approaches. It provides a reasonable approximation for D = 2&#xD;and works pretty well for D ≥ 3 where, in general, outperforms other purely analytical methods.&#xD;The equation is derived by using duality relations and heuristic arguments.
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