The results of experiments on hardware implementation of various VHDL models of operating devices in FPGA oriented to reducing power consumption are described. Operating devices are also called finite state machines with data paths. It is established that the VHDL model based on clock gating, which is most effective for custom VLSI, can not be implemented in FPGA. Effective models for FPGA are VHDL models based on zeroing unused operands or storing their values in additional memory registers. After conducting an experimental comparison of various methods for a specific operating device (or other digital device), the designer can choose a suitable (compromise) method of VHDL description, considering the obtained values of the parameters of power consumption, performance and hardware complexity. The article is a direct continuation of the previous article [1], which describes in detail the models under study and presents the results of experiments on hardware implementation of the same operating devices as part of custom CMOS VLSI
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