The goal of this paper is to present a plausible path to immortality. The aim is therefore of a medical nature, though the means to that end is decidedly multidisciplinary – using physics, cosmology, geometry, topology and electronics besides medical concepts. Achievement of such an ambitious goal as immortality would appear to require input from many aspects of science. Those other concepts may make it unsuited to a medical journal devoted to clinical practice, but it’s publishable in a journal about hypotheses. The article starts by suggesting the entire universe could be composed, at the most fundamental level, of electronics’ binary digits. These enter a natural or artificial time-warp in the distant, far advanced future to produce the Mobius strips, figure-8 Klein bottles, adaptive Wick rotation, and “vector-tensor-scalar geometry” that make up the past and present cosmos. Then the article says the basics of mammalian cloning have been understood since Dolly the sheep’s birth in 1996. How can an adult mind be “downloaded” into a cloned brain? It’s proposed that individual cells and synapses in the original brain can be connected with their counterparts in the cloned brain via space-time warping. Since space-time and brains may be composed of binary digits, all the information in one organ could be successfully downloaded into the other – transferring each brain area’s memories, perceptual abilities, creativity, etc. Einstein's General Relativity says gravity is a push caused by the curvature of space-time (gravitation therefore is space-time). This means the space-time warping referred to a couple of sentences ago is gravity. Gravity thus establishes a permanent connection between patients and any form of treatment (including cloning). Such a permanent connection may help explain the placebo effect that occurs when no known treatment is applied. To the relief of many, the article finishes by suggesting gravity – and the surfing of gravitational waves – will make the prospect of human cloning completely unnecessary. This is because the final section, CREATION OF THE COSMOS USING BITS, PI AND IMAGINARY TIME, shows that the human mind generated by the brain has an essential role in creating the universe and, therefore, in our interactions with physical reality – leading to the repairing of every minor (even microscopic) defect in the body and brain as it occurs. Space-time (gravity) connections allowing downloading of minds will one day be extended to everyone who ever lived, resulting in resurrection of loved ones to eternal life and health.