Introduction. The article analyzes the current socio- economic situation in the region (Chelyabinsk region), which is characterized by negative changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the corona- virus crisis not only highlighted the existing problems and weaknesses of the socio-economic situation, but also exacerbated the basic accumulated problems in the region. The peak load on the economic, demo- graphic, and social spheres (especially healthcare) in the Chelyabinsk region and other regions of the Rus- sian Federation occurred in 2020. The measures taken by the state to support the population and businesses made it possible to stabilize the situation and avoid sig- nificant post-COVID losses. However, the spread of the pandemic continues, and external challenges for the country and regions are intensifying. In this regard, it is important to understand the essence of the ongoing socio-economic processes in the country and regions, to analyze and systematize the disparate and multidirectional factors that determine the new reality. In this regard, the authors formed problem groups, within which they considered the spheres of life, where the challenges and threats in connection with the pandemic have increased significantly. These included: a group designated as «Economics»; group «Demog- raphy», group «Standard of life». The increase in threats and danger in these areas due to the spread of COVID-19 has most affected the well-being of people, the deterioration in the quality of life, and the reduc- tion in its duration. To study the problems noted, the authors set a goal: based on analyzing the current socio-economic situa- tion in the constituent entities of the Russian Federa- tion, to identify threats to decreasing the population’s quality of life during the pandemic and propose measures to overcome the negative post-COVID conse- quences for the region’s residents. Methods. The information base was the statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service, information from the report of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region for 2020. The authors use the following methods: content analysis of scientific sources, grouping of risk factors during the pandemic, analysis of statistical indicators and data obtained from the results of monitoring the region. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the devel- opment of an original algorithm for express analysis of the current socio-economic situation in the region during the pandemic for prompt response and relief by the authorities of the threats associated with the spread of the pandemic. It (algorithm) includes the selection of the most vulnerable areas in terms of liv- ing conditions and well-being of people; grouping risk factors in these areas and determining their impact on the level and quality of life; analysis of indicators (planned and actual) for 2019-2020 in relation to the groups «Economics»; «Demography», «Social sphere» to determine the impact of adverse factors and to iden- tify the strengthening of the pandemic impact on the population’s quality of life in the region. Results and conclusions. The authors carried out the content analysis of domestic and foreign scientific lit- erature on the research topic, specified the conceptual tools of the study, proposed grouping the main prob- lems in the region’s socio-economic space, which have aggravated during the pandemic. In accordance with the grouping, an analysis of the current situation in terms of the economic state of the regional economy, the demographic situation and the level of well-being of the population of the region was carried out. The authors proposed measures to overcome the negative post-COVID consequences in the Chelyabinsk region. The analysis shows that the current socio-economic situation in the region continues to be difficult. Basic problems that were not solved at the previous stage of development are intensified in connection with the pandemic crisis. In crisis conditions, it is necessary to concentrate the efforts of the authorities, business, and the population on reducing risks and maintaining an appropriate level and the population’s quality of life in the region.
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