We examine, using current algebras, the ultraviolet divergences occurring in the calculation of electromagnetic radiative corrections to any lowest order weak process at arbitrary momentum transfer. We consider all orders in perturbation theory in the fine structure constant α. The divergent parts of the radiative corrections are expressed in terms of matrix elements of equal-time current commutators by using the Bjorken expansion of time-ordered products of currents at large momenta. We assume the validity of this expansion and of the use of “naive” current commutation relations in discussing various current algebra models. We impose the condition that the divergences contribute only to an unobservable, universal weak coupling constant renormalization. It is shown that, in models with operator Schwinger terms in the current commutators, this condition cannot be satisfied for nonzero momentum transfer. Also, it is not satisfied for a weak interaction theory mediated by a vector boson. Two current algebra models are exhibited which are satisfactory if the weak Hamiltonian has a local curren-current form. For these models, the weak and electromagnetic currents of both the hadrons and the leptons obey the same commutation relations, and the Schwinger terms are c numbers. One, a quark model of hadrons with integrally charged quarks together with the conventional lepton currents, gives finite radiative corrections. The second, the algebra of fields model for the total electromagnetic and weak currents, including leptons, contains only a universal divergent factor. These two results are shown to hold to all orders in α. In obtaining these results, divergent contributions to electromagnetic mass shifts and to electromagnetic renormalization effects in strong interaction processes are isolated and removed by adding a counter term to the interaction Hamiltonian. These divergences may thus be treated as a separate problem, which we do not discuss in detail.
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