Competitive banks aggressively invest in information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance their market share and reduce Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC). This study examines the impact of cumulative stock of ICT investment on (a) deposit and loan market share and (b) CAC of banks operating in India. The analysis uses a longitudinal dataset of 84 domestic and 70 foreign banks from 2000 to 2020, employing a two-step system Generalized Method of Moment (GMM). It is found that ICT investment adversely affects the market share of domestic banks, indicating a need for these banks to strategically invest more in CAC. Conversely, foreign banks are able to increase their market share through ICT investment and reduced CAC, thereby demonstrating greater efficiency in utilizing ICT. The study underscores the strategic importance of cumulative stock of ICT investment for banks. Nonetheless, it is emphasized that ICT investment must be complemented with innovative marketing strategies to enhance customer experience, reduce CAC, and increase market share. Overall, while foreign banks are able to leverage ICT to boost efficiency, domestic banks must leverage ICT to implement targeted marketing strategies and strive to enhance their customer service.