ABSTRACT Developing the central concept of extensive culture this article seeks to situate notions of the metaverse within wider and longer term cultural shifts. It places such notions within established moves toward a seeming limitlessness or endlessness in culture. It takes inspiration from Georg Simmel's (1917) piece on ‘The Crisis of Culture’, in which Simmel claimed that modernity was simultaneously becoming both more extensive and more intensive. Through its focus on extensive culture the article explores how we might approach expressions of seeming endlessness. The article deals centrally with the metaverse as an instance of such an expression. It argues that these expressions are an integral part of how culture is imagined and how transformations are envisioned, especially with regard to the expansions of data structures. The article shows how the development of a heightened extensive culture takes shape and form within the visions of seeming endlessness and apparent formlessness that accompany and define these expressions. As these expressions of extensive culture find form in concepts like the metaverse these visions of endlessness reshape the limits and frontiers of data structures. The article concludes by reflecting on how particular expressions of extensive culture can illustrate the intricate and interreliant relations between extensive modes of culture and data accumulation.