The aim of the work was to study effectiveness of the influence of a new type crystal seed with different microcrystals dispersion on the process of sucrose crystallization and sugar quality. The dispersion of microcrystals of the crystal-forming agent with whole crystals was determined and curves of their differential distribution were presented, which showed the average particle sizes of the “Ester K 01” are 18.2 μm and 46.4 μm. The morphological characteristics were determined of particles of the whole crystals seed and the seed slurry produced at a sugar factory. The duration of massecuite boiling was investigated and a comparative characterization of the quality indicators of the resulting massecuite, mother liquor, and sugar was given depending on the use of the whole crystals seed with different dispersion of microcrystals in comparison with the factory slurry. Microphotographs of sugar crystals in the massecuite were obtained with their size recorded 5, 10 and 20 min after the input of various seeds. The morphology of sugar crystals was studied in the finished massecuite. A comparison is given of the granulometric composition of sugar crystals obtained with crystal-forming agents with different dispersion. It was found based on the results of the study that when using the “Ester K 01” (46.4 μm) in thick juice with high turbidity the corresponding crystals are formed faster in the total amount of the massecuite. It was also found that there is a kind of blocking of the process of adjacent growth of crystals from the particles of impurities of thick juice with high turbidity. This contributes to the formation of more uniform, homogeneous crystals of the correct shape. The results are presented in the article of tests of the whole crystal seed “Ester K 01” (18.2 μm) and “Ester K 01” (46.4 μm) at sugar factories using the method of working on the seed magma and the method of shock crystallization respectively. The dependences were obtained of the average linear size, the amount of sugar of the 0.65 mm fraction, the coefficient of variation and the coefficient of uniformity of sugar crystals on the consumption of the whole crystals seed “Ester K 01” (crystal size 46.4 μm). The regression equation was developed in natural form for the process of sucrose shock crystallization. It was established the rational consumption of the crystal-forming agent “Ester K 01” (crystal size 46.4 μm), which ensures the effective crystallization of sucrose for the process of crystallization by the shock induced method.
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