
Phenolic compounds are natural dyes contained in sugarcane juice and represent an important parameter in industrial processing, as they significantly affect the color formation of raw sugar. This study investigated the relationship between color formation and phenolic compounds during a Very High Polarization (VHP) sugar manufacturing process, in which the RB92579 genotype represents about 50% of the processed sugarcane. The products evaluated during the industrial processing of sugarcane were: raw juice, mixed juice, lime-treated juice, clarified juice, syrup, massecuite, and VHP sugar. The polyphenols catechin (CAT), chlorogenic acid (CGA), caffeic acid (CAF), vanillin (VAN), syringaldehyde (SYR), p-coumaric acid (p-COU), coumarin (CUM), and rutin (RUT) were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The highest concentrations of CGA and SYR were obtained from the sucrose crystallization product (massecuite), similarly to the parameters of color, total phenols and the total polyphenol content. CGA was the predominant polyphenol in the samples of clarified juice, syrup, massecuite and VHP sugar, with the latter presenting concentrations above 50%. The presence of phenolic compounds provided different indices of color during the production process. In this context, chlorogenic acid (CGA) was the compound that presented the most expressive results, contributing significantly to the formation of color in sugarcane processing products, which is a fact that has not yet been reported in the literature. The color of the VHP sugar crystals also had a positive relationship with the concentration of phenolics, with greater evidence for CGA.

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