
The purpose of the study is to simulate the process of isobaric evaporative crystallization of sucrose to substantiate new ways of its industrial implementation. Using computer simulation, a three-stage crystallization technology for semi-continuous boiling of massecuites on a prepared crystalline base of a seed suspension (first stage) and a crystalline base of the preceding massecuite (second and third stages) was designed. A computer computational model of the express method for determining the molasses saturation coefficient has been created. By heating to a temperature of 50–55 °C, the molasses is transferred to an unsaturated state, then oscillating white sugar crystals are partially dissolved until saturation is reached while under conductometric control. The method makes it possible to determine the optimal parameters of standard molasses, taking into account the technical characteristics of crystallization equipment and centrifuges. On the basis of simulation modeling in the VisSim software environment, tests were carried out, and a justification was given for the technology of semi-continuous boiling of massecuite massecuites to increase the efficiency of crystallization in batch vacuum pans.

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