Seed recipe is known to directly impact crystal growth behavior and product performance in crystallization processes. However, effectively evaluating and reducing the uncertain influence of seed recipe on product consistency in batch crystallization is challenging. This paper utilizes uncertainty analyses based on the population balance model to evaluate the impact of seed recipe destabilization. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) was employed as a direct and efficient method to quantify the risk of failing to achieve the desired product crystal size distribution (CSD). Sensitivity analysis was conducted by integrating the modified Morris method with the PAWN method to analyze the effects of individual parameters and all parameters in the seed recipe from local and global perspectives. To achieve the targeted product CSD in the presence of seed recipe uncertainties, a novel linear weighted multi-objective function was developed to establish the optimal cooling profile, which was optimized by the enhanced particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The results demonstrated that even under seed recipe uncertainties, the targeted product CSD can be achieved with minimal error through cooling profile optimization alone, without dissolution.