In this paper we study the electronic structure, electrondensity distribution and bonding mechanism in transition-metal(TM) di-aluminides Al2TM formed by metals of group VIII (TM = Fe,Ru,Os) and crystal structures of TM di-silicidesC11b (MoSi2), C40 (CrSi2) and C54 (TiSi2). Apeculiar feature of the electronic structure of these TMdi-aluminides is the existence of a semiconducting gap at theFermi level. A substitution of a 3d TM by 4d or 5dmetal enhances the width of the gap. From the analysis of thecharge-density distribution and the crystal-orbitaloverlap population we conclude that the bonding between atomshas strong covalent character. This is confirmed not only fromthe enhanced charge density halfway between atoms, but also by aclear bonding-antibonding splitting of the electronic states.Groups of bonding and antibonding states corresponding to aparticular bonding configuration of atoms are separated by agap. As such a gap is observed in all bonding configurationsamong atoms in the unit cell it results in a gap in the totaldensity of states. The bandgap exists at a certain electron peratom ratio e/A≈4.67 and also occurs in TMdi-aluminides of groups VII and IX. For group VIII TMdi-aluminides the Fermi level falls just in the gap.
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