The LFI radiometers use a pseudo-correlation design wherethe signal from the sky is continuously compared with a stablereference signal, provided by a cryogenic reference load system. Thereference unit is composed by small pyramidal horns, one for eachradiometer, 22 in total, facing small absorbing targets, made of acommercial resin ECCOSORB CRTM, cooled to ∼ 4.5K. Horns and targets are separated by a small gap to allow thermaldecoupling. Target and horn design is optimized for each of the LFIbands, centered at 70, 44 and 30 GHz. Pyramidal horns are eithermachined inside the radiometer 20K module or connected via externalelectro-formed bended waveguides. The requirement of high stability ofthe reference signal imposed a careful design for the radiometric andthermal properties of the loads. Materials used for the manufacturinghave been characterized for thermal, RF and mechanical properties. Wedescribe in this paper the design and the performance of the referencesystem.
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