Purpose: This study aims to characterize the composition and density of bulkheads manufactured by vacuum lamination. Theoretical Framework: Sandwich composites are widely used due to their high specific strength, a critical factor in reducing energy consumption associated with weight, especially when manufactured through vacuum lamination. However, the final composition and density of these materials are important factors for decision-making in the project, but they are often not known beforehand. Method: Characterization was carried out on five samples taken from different regions of the laminated plates. The composition was determined by varying the area density, and the final composite density was obtained based on the observed composition and the density of the components. Results and conclusion: The results indicated a density of 0.21 g/cm³ for the laminated material. The analysis allowed determining the mass and volumetric fractions of the components, demonstrating the consistency of the manufacturing parameters and their adequacy to the project's requirements. Research Implications: This study contributes to improving the vacuum lamination process by providing a methodology for characterizing the density of sandwich composites, which can be applied in various projects, as well as providing reference values. Originality/Value: The research offers an innovative approach by exploring the variation of area density to characterize the composition of composites, contributing to the optimization of the sandwich composite manufacturing process, such as the vessel “Gigante Vermelho” used in the Desafio Solar Brasil 2022.