Aristotle’s concept of recognition is considered in horizon of analysis by the Plato’s idea of remembering as a research object. It is assumed that the analysis of idea of remembering allows understanding those every day’s changes which take place with a man in process of recognition. Connection of these ideas is also assumed by Heidegger’s concept of existential ʺcareʺ. By hermeneutic interpretation of Heidegger’s existential ʺcareʺ and its historical-philosophical reconstruction in Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus the King, it carried out fundamental-ontological explication of structural contents of Ancient tragedy: mimesis, joy, the law of trinity of time, space and action, plot in its components such as peripeteia, recognition, suffering and wonder, fear, compassion, catharsis belong to issue of care. It was shown that mimesis as a manifestation of care can be in two modes. There are true as reproduction and untrue as similarity. It’s suggested, that satisfaction touches upon forward not only the internal state of man, but existential condition as a testimony of the completeness of the disclosure of the tragic condition in every day’s life. We prove that a law of trinity of time, space and action has event character of care as its foundation in unity of sacral and profane, transition of human being to uncovering of truth of own existence. To my mind the phenomenon of care as person event is revealed at peripatetic event as a variant of limit situation clarified true existence of human being. We consider Aristotelian concept of recognition can be analyzed in the context of Plato’s idea of anamnesis. Thus, the last changes in person life can understand during act of recognition. We determined that suffering as a part of a tragic plot uncovers the issue of care as wonder, fear, compassion, and catharsis. We have revealed the aspects of understanding of the phenomenon of care such as πeριποίησις and πραγματeία. We justified that poetry in general and tragic poetry in particular can be considered as one of the forms of articulation of limit question about human being. It was shown that wonder belongs to the phenomenon of care as creative origin of human being: it’s impossible to grasp no one event in the world and themselves without wonder. As for me compassion is event action opened conscience, guilt, understanding, and repentance etc. We offered understanding of catharsis as gaining is opened new horizons of seeing of the world and themselves in it. As result, fear is uncovered as existential condition turns on lumen of truth for human being.
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