In this study, we analyzed how a mathematics teacher developed knowledge and teaching activities in group creativity education through repetitive task modification and implementation. To this end, a mathematics teacher with three years of experience modified the task and implemented it in the class repeatedly four times. Each class was conducted for twenty 9th-grade students at Y middle school located in a large city. The data of this study included recordings and transcriptions of each class and teacher-researcher community discussions, tasks, student activity sheets, teacher interviews, and field notes. The focus of task modification and implementation and their changes were analyzed. The results show that the focus of task modification and implementation changed as the study progressed. In the beginning, the focus was on group fluency and group originality, and group flexibility and group elaboration were observed from mid to late. Changes in the focus of task modification and implementation show changes in the teacher's knowledge of the concept and teaching activities in group creativity education, showing that the teacher's knowledge and teaching activities in group creativity had improved. Changes in student activities observed in the repeated implementation of the modified tasks also demonstrate this. Based on these results, we recommend expansion of theoretical knowledge on the concept of group creativity, development of group creativity tasks and pedagogical strategies, and group creativity education for teachers to strengthen teachers' group creativity teaching activities.
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