SUMMARY Negotiation is a concentrated and interactive form of communication, in which two or more parts that are in disagreement try to reach ag reement that solves a common problem or reaches a common goal. Negotiation allows the creat ion, the maintenance or the development of an interhuman or social relation, as a business, work or diplomatic relation, in particular. Human communication theory is used in negotiations ever since its appearance, on a social ‐ political as well as on an economical level. Althou gh the negotiation process finalized through written communications, verbal communication has an important role from the point of view of the space that it occupies. In business, the neg otiations usually are “face-to-face”, at the negotiation table. Through verbal communication, a series of process are accomplished, such as: obtaining information, transmitting information , drawing up proposals, expressing opinions, establishing disagreement, with its block ing effects of the negotiations, etc. ( Hiltrop and Udall, 1998). The main problem of negotiators in the entire world is that after verbal communication parleys, they sense the need for nego tiations. After very or partially exhausting the clarified subjects of the parley tab le, there is sometimes a shift in situations, which determines reconsidering some previously expressed positions. Now, there are situations in which a partner is convinced that the decision has been taken in a way, whereas the other partner ‐ that the common agreement was another. The problem is if these omissions or misunderstandings are or are not unintentional. Some researchers have proved that personifing the style constitutes the most importan t step of the negotiation process. This personalization has two steps: establishing ones ow n style and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages that derive from using the respective style. Taking into consideration that motivations are those that determine the style and that the motives themselves are of personal nature, the adequate person to determine style is t he negotiator himself (Souni, 1998). To be able to make a correct analysis, that can determine the style, it is good for the negotiator to have three frequently met motivations: the desire t o repeat successes, the necessity to cohabitate, and the desire to be strong and to domi nate.
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