Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity is varied and related to Earth surface processes and, thus, it has been shown to be a useful tool for appraising sediment recycling and provenance investigations. These investigations are mainly based on OSL data purposely measured for sensitivity calculations. However, it has been recently shown that the relative sensitivity of the quartz OSL fast component (%BOSLF) from the first test dose (Tn) signal from an OSL dating measurement using the Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol can be used to discriminate sediment sources. Here, we investigate the possibility of characterizing %BOSLF for provenance purposes using not only Tn signals but all other OSL signals obtained over SAR protocol cycles from OSL dating measurements. We address the %BOSLF behaviour over SAR cycles (if conservative or not), the %BOSLF dependency on dose-size, differences between %BOSLF values given by natural/regenerative and test dose signals, and %BOSLF application for provenance studies. Quartz sand grains data from twenty Late Quaternary sediment samples, representing orogenic and cratonic sources and diverse depositional contexts from South America, Africa, and Asia, are included in the analysis. All calculations were performed using data that have been previously obtained for equivalent dose estimation. The key finding is that the averaged %BOSLF of all SAR signals was representative of the samples' characteristic sensitivity and could satisfactorily discriminate samples from known sources, mainly in the case of high-sensitivity samples. We could distinguish sediment source areas by averaging the %BOSLF of OSL signals from SAR natural/regenerative and test doses together. Likewise, laboratories worldwide could produce regional/global sediment provenance fingerprinting reference data using their dating measurements accumulated throughout the last decade.
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