Following effective shunting procedures for hydrocephalus the calvarium may thicken, sometimes to a marked degree, and the cranial sutures may close prematurely. These events often lead to further intracranial complications. To distinguish this process from other forms of cranial hyperostosis the designation hyperostosis cranii ex vacuo is suggested. The purpose of this communication is to discuss the probable pathogenesis and the clinical significance of this postoperative cranial hyperostosis and to illustrate different phases of the process. The form of the skull is directly related to its function of protecting and supporting soft tissues. In early fetal life the brain is surrounded by a membranous cerebral capsule which is totally responsive to its spatial demands. As the organism develops, the various layers of the skull are differentiated within this capsule. The investigations of Moss and Young (1) have shown that the development of the outer table is correlated with increasing demands of the scalp tissues in general and the calvarial muscles in particular. The diploë not only serves to dissociate the functions of the compact inner and outer tables but provides for hematopoiesis and a reduction of calvarial weight as well. These authors emphasized the exquisite sensitivity of the inner table to change in cerebral morphology throughout the life span of an individual. The dura, which reflects the form of the brain and which may be regarded as the unossified part of the cerebral capsule, acts as the periosteal layer of the inner table. Thus, the size and shape of this table are determined by the dura and conform to the morphology of the brain. In progressive hydrocephalus, generalized enlargement of the skull may reach considerable proportions. This is noted particularly in infants, following multiple ineffective shunting procedures. If, eventually, a successful shunt is achieved which removes the normal growth pressure of the brain exerted against the calvarium, the calvarium thickens. This thickening involves predominantly the inner table (Fig. 1). The laminated appearance of the thickened calvarial bone eventually is remodeled into discrete outer and inner tables with intervening diploë, but unusual thickness of the skull may still be perceptible (Figs. 2 and 3). The sutures also play an important role in this phenomenon. Sutures are remnants of the original membranous cerebral capsule and are not growth sites in any way analogous to the epiphyses. The sutural area is a site where bone may be added to compensate for the separation of the calvarial bones as the brain expands. When, over a period of time, there is no growth pressure exerted against them, the sutures fuse. Actually, as there is no further need to compensate for the separation of the bones, the membrane ossifies (Fig. 2).
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