Decreasing the bulk weight without losing the biomechanical properties of commercial pure titanium (Cp-Ti) medical implants is now possible by using Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) technology. Gyroid lattice structures that have precious mechanical and biological advantages because of similarity to trabecular bone. The aim of the study was to design and develop L-PBF process parameter optimization for manufacturing gyroid lattice Cp-Ti structures. The cleaning process was then optimized to remove the non-melted powder from the gyroid surface without mechanical loss.Gyroid cubic designs were created with various relative densities by nTopology. L-PBF process parameter optimization was progressed using with Cp-Ti (EOS TiCP Grade2) powder in the EOS M290 machine to achieve parts that have almost full dense and dimensional accuracy. The metallography method was made for density. Dimensional accuracy at gyroid wall thicknesses was investigated between designed and manufactured via stereomicroscope, also mechanical tests were applied with real time experiment and numerical analysis (ANSYS). Mass loss and strut thickness loss were investigated for chemical etching cleaning process.Gyroid parts had 99,5% density. High dimensional accuracy was achieved during L-PBF process parameters optimization. Final L-PBF parameters gave the highest 19% elongation and 427 MPa yield strength values at tensile test. Mechanical properties of gyroid were controlled with changing relative density. A minute chemical etching provided to remove non-melted powders.Compression test results of gyroids at numerical and real-time analysis gave unrelated while deformation behaviors were compatible with each other. Gyroid Cp-Ti osteosynthesis mini plates will be produced with final L-PBF process parameters. MTT cytotoxicity test will be characterized for cell viability.Acknowledgements This project is granted by TUBITAK (120N943). Feza Korkusuz MD is a member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).
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