The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the world However, the real consequences to the lives of individuals are still unclear, especially regarding mental health The present study aims to investigate whether there are any significant differences in illness attitudes (worry about illness, concern about pain, hypochondriacal beliefs, thanatophobia, and treatment experience) toward COVID-19 among Kuwaiti participants An online survey was distributed via WhatsApp to 1,413 residents of Kuwait The survey included the Illness Attitude Toward COVID-19 Scale (IATCS) and demographic data During any pandemic or crisis worldwide, individuals' mental health and illness attitude levels toward it differ depending on their sociodemographic characteristics This study detects that females, people aged 49 years old and younger, students, and people with bachelor's degrees reported higher scores of illness attitudes toward the COVID pandemic (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (French) La pandemie de COVID-19 a eu des repercussions negatives dans le monde entier Toutefois, les consequences reelles dans la vie des individus ne sont pas encore connues, en particulier en ce qui concerne la sante mentale La presente etude visait a examiner d'eventuelles differences importantes dans les attitudes a l'egard de la maladie (inquietudes au sujet de la maladie ou de la douleur, croyances hypocondriaques, thanatophobie et experience du traitement), en ce qui a trait a la COVID-19 parmi des participants au Kuwait Un sondage en ligne a ete distribue par l'entremise de WhatsApp a 1413 residents du Kuwait Le questionnaire incluait la llness Attitude Toward COVID-19 Scale (IATCS;Echelle des attitudes a l'egard de la COVID-19) et des donnees demographiques Durant toute pandemie ou crise internationale, les niveaux de sante mentale des individus et leurs attitudes envers la maladie varient selon leurs profils demographiques Cette etude a revele que les femmes, les personnes agees de 49 ans ou moins, les etudiants et les personnes detenant un baccalaureat ont rapporte de plus hauts scores pour les attitudes envers la maladie en ce qui a trait a la pandemie de COVID (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Impact Statement Public Significance Statement-Moreover, this study highlights that individuals developed different areas of illness attitudes toward COVID-19 than other studies, such as worrying about contracting the virus, concern about pain, hypochondriacal beliefs, fear of death from the virus, and treatment experience (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)
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